
项博,1991年生,浙江丽水人。2014年于浙江大学材料科学与工程学院获得学士学位。2020年在美国加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校获得博士学位,导师为熊伟(Wei Xiong)教授。博士毕业后留在原课题组内短暂担任副研究员职位,并于2021年5月前往哥伦比亚大学朱晓阳(Xiaoyang Zhu) 教授课题组里继续开展为期两年的科研工作。项博博士于2023年6月全职加入西湖大学理学院,担任特聘研究员,开展独立研究工作。
1. 运用二维红外光谱技术揭示了分子振动能级-微腔光学能级强耦合体系中,极化激元能级与分子振动暗态之间的相互作用与能量传递。
2. 通过离域光学微腔能级为双分子体系中的分子振动能级构建能量长距离传递的通道,并引入空间异质化的光学微腔,使分子振动能级能量传递距离从亚纳米提升至微米级别。
3. 利用二维红外光谱中双激发光束在分子极化激元体系中建立基于分子振动能级的量子态,并在异质化微腔中实现了极化激元能级间相干振荡的长程传递。
1. Xiang, Bo, Zimo Yang, Yi‐Zhuang You*, and Wei Xiong*. "Ultrafast coherence delocalization in real space simulated by polaritons." Advanced Optical Materials 10, no. 5 (2022): 2102237.
2. Xiang, Bo, and Wei Xiong*. "Molecular vibrational polariton: Its dynamics and potentials in novel chemistry and quantum technology." The Journal of Chemical Physics 155, no. 5 (2021): 050901.
3. Xiang, Bo, Jiaxi Wang, Zimo Yang, and Wei Xiong*. "Nonlinear infrared polaritonic interaction between cavities mediated by molecular vibrations at ultrafast time scale." Science advances 7, no. 19 (2021): eabf6397.
4. Xiang, Bo, Raphael F. Ribeiro, Matthew Du, Liying Chen, Zimo Yang, Jiaxi Wang, Joel Yuen-Zhou*, and Wei Xiong*. "Intermolecular vibrational energy transfer enabled by microcavity strong light–matter coupling." Science 368, no. 6491 (2020): 665-667.
5. Yang, Zimo, Bo Xiang, and Wei Xiong*. "Controlling quantum pathways in molecular vibrational polaritons." ACS Photonics 7, no. 4 (2020): 919-924.
6. Xiang, Bo#, Raphael F. Ribeiro#, Yingmin Li, Adam D. Dunkelberger, Blake B. Simpkins, Joel Yuen-Zhou, and Wei Xiong*. "Manipulating optical nonlinearities of molecular polaritons by delocalization." Science advances 5, no. 9 (2019): eaax5196.
7. Xiang, Bo, Raphael F. Ribeiro, Liying Chen, Jiaxi Wang, Matthew Du, Joel Yuen-Zhou, and Wei Xiong*. "State-selective polariton to dark state relaxation dynamics." The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 123, no. 28 (2019): 5918-5927.
8. F. Ribeiro, Raphael, Adam D. Dunkelberger, Bo Xiang, Wei Xiong, Blake S. Simpkins, Jeffrey C. Owrutsky, and Joel Yuen-Zhou*. "Theory for nonlinear spectroscopy of vibrational polaritons." The journal of physical chemistry letters 9, no. 13 (2018): 3766-3771.
9. Xiang, Bo, Raphael F. Ribeiro, Adam D. Dunkelberger, Jiaxi Wang, Yingmin Li, Blake S. Simpkins, Jeffrey C. Owrutsky, Joel Yuen-Zhou, and Wei Xiong*. "Two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy of vibrational polaritons." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, no. 19 (2018): 4845-4850.
10. Xiang, Bo#, Yingmin Li#, C. Huy Pham, Francesco Paesani, and Wei Xiong*. "Ultrafast direct electron transfer at organic semiconductor and metal interfaces." Science advances 3, no. 11 (2017): e1701508.
1. 博士后招聘(岗位招满前有效):欢迎物理化学、光学、材料科学等相关研究背景的博士毕业生申请本课题组职位。申请者请发送个人简历、推荐信等申请材料。我们将提供在国内外同等职位上极具竞争力的个人待遇和补助(详情面议)。
2. 博士研究生:欢迎对红外光谱和光-物质相互作用感兴趣的本科和硕士生来攻读博士学位。