
申怀宗博士,2008-2012年就读于山东大学生命科学学院并取得理学学士学位。2012-2017年就读于清华大学生命科学学院并取得理学博士学位,师从颜宁教授。2017-2019年于清华大学医学院从事博士后研究。在攻读博士学位和博士后工作期间主要从事真核电压门控钠离子通道(钠通道)的结构生物学研究,以第一作者或共同第一作者身份在Science上共发表研究论文5篇,参与Science和Cell文章各1篇。于2019年7月加入西湖大学生命科学学院任独立研究员(Principal Investigator)。
(1) Xiaohui Wang*, Xiaoshuai Shen*, Yannan Qu*, Heng Zhang*, Chu Wang*, Fan Yang#, Huaizong Shen# (2024). Structural insights into ion selectivity and transport mechanisms of Oryza sativa HKT2;1 and HKT2;2/1 transporters. Nature Plants. (*co-first authors, #correspondence author)
(2) Zhaowei Wu*, Dongliang Liu*, Deng Pan*, Haopeng Yu, Jin Shi, Jiacheng Ma, Wenhan Fu, Zhipeng Wang, Zijie Zheng, Yannan Qu, Fan Li, Weizhong Chen, Xingxu Huang, Huaizong Shen#, Quanjiang Ji# (2023). Structure and engineering of miniature Acidibacillus sulfuroxidans Cas12f1. Nature Catalysis. (*co-first authors, #correspondence author)
(3) Gaoxingyu Huang*, Dongliang Liu*, Weipeng Wang*, Qiurong Wu, Jiaofeng Chen, Xiaojing Pan, Huaizong Shen#, Nieng Yan# (2022). High-resolution structures of human Nav1. 7 reveal gating modulation through α-π helical transition of S6IV. Cell Reports. (*co-first authors, #correspondence author)
(4) Huaizong Shen#, Nieng Yan#, Xiaojing Pan# (2021). Structural determination of human Nav1.4 and Nav1.7 using single particle cryo-electron microscopy. Methods in Enzymology. (#correspondence author)
(5) Tian Li*, Kun Wu*, Zhenlei Yue*, Yifei Wang, Fan Zhang, Huaizong Shen# (2021). Structural Basis for the Modulation of Human KCNQ4 by Small-Molecule Drugs. Molecular Cell. (*co-first authors, #correspondence author)
(6) Huaizong Shen*, Dongliang Liu*, Kun Wu, Jianlin Lei, Nieng Yan (2019). Structures of human Nav1.7 channel in complex with auxiliary subunits and animal toxins. Science, eaaw2493. (* indicates co-first authors)
(7) Xiaojing Pan*, Zhangqiang Li*, Qiang Zhou*, Huaizong Shen*, Kun Wu*, Xiaoshuang Huang, Jiaofeng Chen, Juanrong Zhang, Xuechen Zhu, Jianlin Lei, Wei Xiong, Haipeng Gong, Bailong Xiao, Nieng Yan (2018). Structure of the human voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1. 4 in complex with β1. Science, eaau2486. (* indicates co-first authors)
(8) Huaizong Shen*, Zhangqiang Li*, Yan Jiang*, Xiaojing Pan*, Jianping Wu, Ben Cristofori-Armstrong, Jennifer J. Smith, Yanni K. Y. Chin, Jianlin Lei, Qiang Zhou, Glenn F. King, Nieng Yan (2018). Structural basis for the modulation of voltage-gated sodium channels by animal toxins. Science, eaau2596. (* indicates co-first authors)
(9) Huaizong Shen*, Qiang Zhou*, Xiaojing Pan*, Zhangqiang Li*, Jianping Wu*, Nieng Yan (2017). Structure of a eukaryotic voltage-gated sodium channel at near-atomic resolution. Science, 355(6328), eaal4326. (* indicates co-first authors)
(10) Wei Peng*, Huaizong Shen*, Jianping Wu*, Wenting Guo, Xiaojing Pan, Ruiwu Wang, S.R.Wayne Chen, Nieng Yan (2016). Structural basis for the gating mechanism of the type 2 ryanodine receptor RyR2. Science, 354(6310), aah5324. (* indicates co-first authors)