
Lei Wang, Ph.D.
Lei Wang, Ph.D.
王蕾,河北石家庄人。2006年获得清华大学化学工程与工艺学士学位;2007年获得英国帝国理工大学化学工程硕士学位;2012年获得英国帝国理工大学自然科学博士学位; 2012年获得欧盟和荷兰皇家壳牌共同资助,受任欧盟玛丽·居里Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) 特聘研究员,于帝国理工大学环境政策研究中心从事研究; 2016-2019年在荷兰皇家壳牌环境战略组担任研究员及高级研究员。2019年8月全职加入西湖大学,担任工学院特聘研究员, 现任中植助理教授。
王蕾博士的研究主要包括生物质解构和关键组分高值化转化技术开发、过程和产业链设计、经济可行性和环境可持续性评价研究。内容涉及多学科交叉,包括化学、化工、材料和环境系统工程;手段包括实验、反应器运行、化工仿真和全生命周期评价(包括温室气体排放、水资源短缺和水质等多个环境影响指标)。共发表论文近40篇,近3年来以第一和(共同)通讯作者在Nature Food、Nature Communications、Cell Reports Physical Science、Green Chemistry、Nano Letters、Chemical Engineering Journal、Water Research 等能源、材料和环境领域权威期刊上发表论文20余篇,授权专利3项;近3年主持/参与国家级和省部级科研项目4项,浙江省和杭州市人才项目2项,担任Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining和Carbon Management期刊编委。
1. Liu, ZQ., Hu, XS,. Dong, XY., Zhao, S., Chen, YJ., Zhang, BB., Wen, LY*., Wang, L.*,2023, Sustainable upcycling of post-consumer waste to metal-graphene catalysts for green chemicals and clean water. Cell Reports Physical Science, 101256.
2. Zhang, CY., Yang, XP., Liu, ZQ., Zhang, L., He, HL., Qiu, WM., Zhuo, RY., Xu, J*.,Wang, L.*, 2023, Valorization of heavy metal enriched phytoremediation biomass using deep eutectic solvent (DES). Green Chemistry, 25, 771-778.
3. Yang, XP., Kentaro, A., Hiroyuki, Y., Wang, L.*, 2022, Multifunctional cellulosic materials prepared by a reactive DES based zero-waste system. Nano Letters, 22 (15), 6128-6134.
4. Yang, S., Yang, XP., Meng, XZ., Wang, L.*, 2022, Efficient pretreatment using dimethyl isosorbide as a biobased solvent for potential complete biomass valorization. Green Chemistry, 24 (10), 4082-4094.
5. Zhang, CY.†, Yang, XP.†, Yang, S., Liu, ZQ., Wang L.*, 2022, Eco-friendly and multifunctional lignocellulosic nanofibre additives for enhancing pesticide deposition and retention, Chemical Engineering Journal, 133011.
1. Liu, F., Xin, LQ., Tang, H., Qin, Y., Zhang, L., Dong, XY., Zhang, Y. ,Wu, WX.*, Wang, L.*, 2023, Regionalized life-cycle monetization can support the transition to sustainable rural food waste management in China. Nature Food, 2023, 4, 797–809.
2. Yu, S., Dong, XY., Zhao, P., Luo, ZC., Sun, ZH., Yang, XX., Li, QH., Wang, L.*, Zhang, YG.*, Zhou, H.*, 2022, Decoupled temperature and pressure hydrothermal synthesis of carbon sub-micron spheres from cellulose. Nature Communications, 13, 3613.
3. Zhang, Y., Guo, SC., Gong, Y.*, Wang, L.*, 2022, Potential trade-off between water consumption and water quality: life cycle assessment on nonaqueous solvent dyeing. Water Research, 118222
4. Liu, F., Dong. XY., Zhao, XB., Wang, L.*, 2021, Life cycle assessment of organosolv biorefinery designs with the complete use of biomass, Energy Conversion and Management, 246, 114653
5. Pang, B.†, Sun, ZH.†, Wang, L.† et al., 2021, Improved value and carbon footprint by complete utilization of corncob lignocellulose, Chemical Engineering Journal, 129565.
6. Wang, L., Templer, R., Murphy, RJ., 2012, Environmental sustainability of bioethanol production from waste papers: sensitivity to the system boundary, Energy & Environmental Science, 5,8281-8293
7. Wang, L., Sharifzadeh, M., Templer, R., Murphy, RJ., 2012, Technology performance and economic feasibility of bioethanol production from various waste papers, Energy & Environmental Science, 5, 5717-5730