
李文彬,2008年本科毕业于浙江大学材料科学与工程学系;2011年获美国宾夕法尼亚大学材料科学与工程硕士学位;2015获美国麻省理工学院材料科学与工程博士学位。2015年至2017年在麻省理工学院Research Laboratory of Electronics从事博士后研究。2017年至2019年在欧盟玛丽·居里学者计划的资助下,在英国牛津大学工作。2019年10月全职加入西湖大学工学院,负责材料模拟与设计实验室。
李文彬博士主要致力于先进半导体材料和复杂电子材料中的电声子相互作用、电学输运性质,以及物态调控研究,同时还开展软物质自组装材料分子模拟与机器学习辅助设计的相关研究。实验室致力于运用第一性原理计算、材料与物理理论、多尺度模拟,以及机器学习等手段,在基本物理层面实现对材料性能及其变化规律的深入理解,并结合物理规律、数据科学和人工智能来预测和筛选新材料,以期实现新型功能材料的加速研发。李文彬博士已在Nature Reviews Materials, Nature Communications, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Advanced Materials, npj Computational Materials等杂志上以通讯作者身份发表多篇学术论文。曾获欧盟Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship,牛津大学Wolfson学院Junior Research Fellowship, 并作为团队成员获2016年美国R&D 100 Award。
2. T. Xu#, J. Wang#, S. Zhao#, D. Chen#, H. Zhang, Y. Fang, N. Kong, Z. Zhou, W. Li*, H. Wang*, Accelerating the Prediction and Discovery of Peptide Hydrogels with Human-in-the-Loop, Nature Communications, 14, 3880 (2023)
3. J. Wang#, Z. Liu#, S. Zhao#, T. Xu#, H. Wang*, S. Z. Li*, W. Li*, Deep Learning Empowers the Discovery of Self-Assembling Peptides with Over 10 Trillion Sequences, Advanced Science, 2301544 (2023)
4. M. Wu#, Z. Lou#, C.-M. Dai#, T. Wang, J. Wang, Z. Zhu, Z. Xu, T. Sun, W. Li*, X. Zheng*, and X. Lin*, Achieving Ferroelectricity in a Centrosymmetric High-Performance Semiconductor by Strain Engineering, Advanced Materials, 35, 2300450 (2023)
5. Z. Zhu, X. Yao, S. Zhao, X. Lin, W. Li*, Giant Modulation of the Electron Mobility in Semiconductor Bi2O2Se via Incipient Ferroelectric Phase Transition, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144, 4541-4549 (2022)
6. W. Li*, X. Qian, J. Li*, Phase Transitions in 2D Materials, Nature Reviews Materials, 6, 829-846 (2021)
7. W. Li, F. Giustino, Many-Body Renormalization of the Electron Effective Mass of InSe, Physical Review B, 101, 035201 (2020)
8. S. Poncé*, W. Li*, S. Reichardt*, F. Giustino*, First-Principles Calculations of Charge Carrier Mobility and Conductivity in Bulk Semiconductors and Two-Dimensional Materials, Reports on Progress in Physics, 83, 036501 (2020)
9. W. Li, S. Poncé, F. Giustino, Dimensional Crossover in the Carrier Mobility of 2D Semiconductors: The Case of InSe, Nano Letters, 19, 1774-1781 (2019)
10. W. Li, L. Sun, J. Qi, P. Jarrilo-Herrero, M. Dincǎ and J. Li, High Temperature Ferromagnetism in π-Conjugated Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Frameworks, Chemical Science, 8, 2859-2867 (2017)
11. W. Li and J. Li, Ferroelasticity and Domain Physics in Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Nature Communications, 7, 10843 (2016)
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