
邹云志博士于1992年考入四川大学首届数学基地班,本硕连读后于1998年留校任教。2006年晋升副教授,2008年获四川大学理学博士学位,2012年晋升正教授。2002-2003受国家留学基金委资助赴加拿大曼尼托巴大学进修,并曾在在英国牛津大学以及北卡大学、威斯康辛大学、哥伦比亚等多所美国大学短期交流访问。曾讲授过英国A-LEVEL和美国Advanced Placement(AP)数学课程. 邹云志博士于 2021年10月加入西湖大学, 任教学系列教授。
1. 詹姆斯坦顿、哈罗德莱特(著), 邹云志(编译),《初等数学新体验》,世界图书出版公司 ISBN,9787519289027,2022
2. H. 莱特,J. 凯恩, 邹云志,《美国数学竞赛指南(第三版)》 世界图书出版公司ISBN:9787519284589 2021;
Harold Reiter, Jonathon Kane, Yunzhi Zou, Introduction to American Mathematical contests: A Guide to Success, Kendall Hunt Publishing ISBN 978-1524954277;
3. Y. -Z. Zou, Multi-Variable Calculus: A First Step, De Gruyter, Berlin, ISBN 978-3110674149, 2020
4. Y. -Z. Zou, Single Variable Calculus: A First Step, De Gruyter, Berlin, ISBN 978-3110524628, 2018
5. Y. -Z. Zou, Single Variable Calculus, World Publishing Company (Beijing) ISBN 978-7-5100-9400-3, 2015
6. Z. -B. Wu, Y.-Z. Zou and N. -J. Huang, A new class of global fractional-order projective dynamical system with an application Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 13(5):1-17(2017)
7. Z. -B. Wu and Y.-Z. Zou, Global fractional-order projective dynamical systems Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 19(8):2811–2819,(2014)
8. Y. -Z. Zou and C. -Y. Sun, Equilibrium points for two related projective dynamical systems Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis 19(4) 2012
9. Y.-Z. Zou and N.-J Huang, A new system of variational inclusions involving H(·,·)-accretive operator in Banach spaces Applied Mathematics and Computation 212(1):135-144 (2009);
10. Y.-Z. Zou and N.-J Huang, H-accretive operator with an application for solving variational inclusions in Banach spaces Applied Mathematics and Computation 204(2):809-816: (2008)