
闫浈,2011年于南京大学获得学士学位;2016年于清华大学获得理学博士学位。先后在清华大学、普林斯顿大学进行博士后研究,获得American Heart Association美国心脏协会博士后奖学金支持。2019年秋加入西湖大学,任Principal Investigator。闫浈博士长期从事跨膜运输蛋白的结构与功能研究,并取得了多项重要成果。以第一作者或通讯作者在Cell、Nature、Science等期刊发表多篇研究文章。曾获Dimitris N. Chorafas Prize瑞士青年研究奖(全球30名)。
* co-first author, 1 co-corresponding author
At Westlake University
1. Liang, K., Jin, Z., Zhan, X., Li, Y., Xu, Q., Xie, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, S., Wu, J., and Yan, Z. (2024a). Structural insights into the chloroplast protein import in land plants. Cell 187, 5651-5664 e5618.
2. Liang, K., Zhan, X., Li, Y., Yang, Y., Xie, Y., Jin, Z., Xu, X., Zhang, W., Lu, Y., Zhang, S., Zou, Y., Feng, S., Wu, J. and Yan, Z. (2024b). Conservation and specialization of the Ycf2-FtsHi chloroplast protein import motor in green algae. Cell 187, 5638-5650 e5618.
3. Jin, Z., Wan, L., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Cao, Y., Liu, H., Fan, S., Cao, D., Wang, Z., Li, X., et al. Yan, Z (2022). Structure of a TOC-TIC supercomplex spanning two chloroplast envelope membranes. Cell 185, 4788-4800 e4713.
ž Recommended by Faculty Opinions (https://facultyopinions.com/article/742419134)
ž Highlighted in News & views of Nature (https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-00539-7)
ž Highlighted in Research highlights of Nature Plants (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-022-01319-3)
4. Zhou, L., Liu, H., Zhao, Q., Wu, J.1 & Yan, Z.1 (2022). Architecture of the human NALCN channelosome. Cell Discov 8, 33.
5. Ke, M., Yu, Y., Zhao, C., Lai, S., Su, Q., Yuan, W., Yang, L., Deng, D., Wu, K., Zeng, W., Geng, J., Wu, J., and Yan, Z. (2021). Cryo-EM structures of human TMEM120A and TMEM120B, Cell Discov, 7: 77.
6. Xie, J., Ke, M., Xu, L., Lin, S., Zhang, J., Yang, F.1, Wu, J.1, Yan, Z.1 (2020). Structure of the human sodium leak channel NALCN in complex with FAM155A. Nat Commun 11, 5831.
Before 2019
7. Yan, Z.*, Zhou, Q.*, Wang, L.*, Wu, J*., Zhao, Y., Huang, G., Peng, W., Shen, H., Lei, J., and Yan, N. (2017). Structure of the Nav1.4-beta1 Complex from Electric Eel. Cell 170, 470-482 e411.
8. Yan, Z.*, Bai, X.*, Yan, C.*, Wu, J., Li, Z., Xie, T., Peng, W., Yin, C. C., Li, X., Scheres, S. H., Shi, Y., & Yan, N. (2015). Structure of the rabbit ryanodine receptor RyR1 at near-atomic resolution. Nature, 517(7532): 50-55.
9. Wu, J.*, Yan, Z.*, Li, Z.*, Qian, X., Lu, S., Dong, M., Zhou, Q., & Yan, N. (2016). Structure of the voltage-gated calcium channel Cav1.1 at 3.6 A resolution. Nature, 537(7619): 191-196.
10. Wu, J.*, Yan, Z.*, Li, Z., Yan, C., Lu, S., Dong, M., & Yan, N. (2015). Structure of the voltage-gated calcium channel Cav1.1 complex. Science, 350(6267): aad2395.
11. Bai, X.*, Yan, Z.*1, Wu, J.*, Li, Z., & Yan, N1. (2016). The Central domain of RyR1 is the transducer for long-range allosteric gating of channel opening. Cell Res, 26(9): 995-1006.
12. Wu, D.*, Hu, Q.*, Yan, Z.*, Chen, W., Yan, C., Huang, X., Zhang, J., Yang, P., Deng, H., Wang, J., Deng, X., & Shi, Y. (2012). Structural basis of ultraviolet-B perception by UVR8. Nature, 484(7393): 214-219.