
Paolo Dolce 1990年出生于意大利卡坦扎罗。2019年毕业于诺丁汉大学,获数学博士学位。2019年至2024年间,先后在乌迪内大学和本·古里安大学开展博士后研究工作。2024年全职加入西湖大学,担任理论科学研究院特聘研究员。
Paolo Dolce近期研究方向包括丢番图逼近及其对adelic曲线的推广、Arakelov几何、Unlikely intersections。
1) A note on some Diophantine inequalities over adelic curves. Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux (To appear).
2) (with P. Mercuri) Intersection matrices for the minimal regular model of X_0(N) and applications to the Arakelov canonical sheaf. Submitted Preprint.
3) (with F. Zucconi) On the generalisation of Roth's theorem. Kyoto Journal of Mathematics (To appear).
4) (with R. Gualdi) Numerical equivalence of R-divisors and Shioda-Tate formula for arithmetic varieties. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle), 784 (2022), pp. 131--154.
5) Explicit Deligne pairing. European Journal of Mathematics, 8, Suppl. 1 (2022), pp. 101--129.
6) (with W. Czerniawska) Adelic geometry on arithmetic surfaces II: completed adeles and idelic Arakelov intersection theory. Journal of Number Theory, 211 (2020), pp. 235--296.
7) Adelic geometry on arithmetic surfaces I: idelic and adelic interpretation of the Deligne pairing. Kyoto Journal of Mathematics, 62, 2 (2022), pp. 433--470.
8) Fields of definition and Belyi type theorems for curves and surfaces. New York Journal of Mathematics, 22 (2016), pp. 823--851.