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西湖名师论坛第三十六期 | Anatoly M.Sagalevich:Experience of the Creation and the Use of Deep Ocean Vehicles and Main Achievements in Russian Academy of Sciences











西湖名师论坛第三十六期 | Anatoly M.Sagalevich:Experience of the Creation and the Use of Deep Ocean Vehicles and Main Achievements in Russian Academy of Sciences

  Time:10:00-11:30 a.m., Thursday, June 20, 2019
  Venue:Lecture Hall, 1F, Building 5, Yunqi Campus
  Host:Weicheng Cui, Ph.D., Chair Professor of School of Engineering


  主讲人/Speaker:Dr. Anatoly M.Sagalevich, Head of Deep Manned Submersibles Laboratory of P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Sciences

  Dr. Anatoly Sagalevich works in P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences since 1965. On the first leg he designed new equipment for geophysical research. Seismic profiling sparker system, designed by him, was used during 20 years very successfully.

  In 1970, Dr. Sagalevich started to work in the field of design and use of deep manned submersibles. In 1974-76 he worked on Canadian Company “International Hydrodynamics”, where P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology ordered two “Pisces” submersibles. During 1976-1984 he provided scientific research with “Pisces VII” and “Pisces XI” submersibles as the head of underwater operations and the pilot. In 1985-87 he worked in Finland and together with Finnish engineering group created 6000 m submersibles “Mir-1” and “Mir-2”. Dr. Sagalevich was the test pilot of both MIRs on 6170 and 6120 m during deep ocean trials.

  Since 1990, the eminent oceanologist and deep ocean explorer Dr.Sagalevich has served as chief scientist and expedition leader on board the MIR support vessel, Akademik Mstislav Keldysh, piloting the submersibles on dives worldwide. These underwater operations include expeditions to study hydrothermal vents, to investigate the nuclear submarines Komsomolets and Kursk after major accidents stranded them on the seabed; and, most famously, to film the wreck of the Titanic, Bismarck and others.

  On August 2nd 2007, he made historical dive in Geographical North pole point on 4300 m depth under entire ice in “Mir-1” submersible. He was awarded as Hero of Russia by Russian government.

  Dr Sagalevich and his laboratory have received international recognition on many occasions, including, in 2002, the New Orleans Grand Isles Award (N.O.G.I.) in the science category – this is the world’s highest award for underwater operations; the Explorer Club’s Lowell Thomas Award in 2000; in 2003, the Compass International Award from Marine Technology Society for the best deep manned-submersibles group in the world; in 2007, he was awarded as “Adventurer of the Year” by the Adventurer Club; in 2008 he received “William Beebe Award” from Explorer Club and in 2012 – the medal “Life-time achievement in adventure” from Adventurer Club. He has many national Awards and governmental prizes including gold star of Hero of Russia.

  He is author of 3 monographs, 15 books as co-author and more than 300 articles in Russian and foreign editions.

  In the 1980s, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology had the largest scientific underwater fleet, consisted of six manned submersibles, capable to dive from 300 to 6000 meters. Real deep ocean research was provided by four submersibles, started from middle 70-s by the PISCES VII and PISCES XI (2000 m) and continued by the MIR-1 and MIR-2 (6000 m) from middle 80-s to present time. These operations were provided, using deep towed vehicle ZVUK for preliminary investigations of the area. The particularities of the construction of deep manned submersibles were presented. The methods of scientific research and brief results of them were introduced. Wide spectrum of deep ocean operations, using MIR submersibles, including scientific research of hydrothermal fields on ocean bed; deep sea mounts; high temperature brines of Red sea, the dives under the ice on the North Pole, as well as special technical operations on nuclear submarine wrecks, the filming on TITANIC, BISMARCK etc. are introduced. Future around the World journey with the use of deep manned submersibles are considered. In total, more than 40 years experience of the creation of deep ocean vehicles and of ocean exploration, using them, are covered in this presentation.