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CenBRAIN Neurotech专题学术讲座 | Marcio Bender Machado: Challenges and Opportunities for ULV Energy Harvesting Designs






西湖大学工学院讲席教授 Mohamad Sawan





CenBRAIN Neurotech专题学术讲座 | Marcio Bender Machado: Challenges and Opportunities for ULV Energy Harvesting Designs


Time: 13:30-15:00, Tuesday, February 25, 2025


VenueE10-304, Yungu Campus

主持人:西湖大学学院讲席教授 Mohamad Sawan

Host: Mohamad Sawan, Chair Professor of School of Engineering, Westlake University


Marcio Bender Machado教授



Dr. Marcio Bender Machado received an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, in 2006 and 2014, respectively, and a specialization in student-centered learning at Tampere University in Finland in 2016. In 2013, he was a visiting Ph.D. student at the Polystim Laboratory at École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada, working in the energy harvesting field applied to implantable circuits. He was awarded the 2015 Best Brazilian Ph.D. Thesis in Microelectronics due to the advancement of extremely low voltage electronics. Since 2006, he has been with the Brazilian Federal Institutions Network of Science and Technology. Now, he is a full professor at the Federal Institute of Sao Paulo, the largest federal education institution in Brazil. Prof. Machado has worked as the adviser of many undergraduate and graduate students on projects related to ultra-low-voltage electronics, energy harvesting, assistive technology, and biomedical circuits. In 2022, he co-authored the book ultra-low-voltage circuit techniques for energy harvesting, published by Springer editor.


With the increasing demand for autonomous operation of on-body and medical-connected devices, a new class of energy harvesters operating from ultra-low voltages typically provided by the human body, but not limited, are a subject of current research and development in the technical literature and industry. In this context, this seminar provides the audience with some design insights for the ultra-low-voltage converters for energy harvesting applications, covering the modeling of building blocks such as oscillators, rectifiers, and charge pump topologies that can operate with very low supply voltages, typically as low as ten mV. The practical implementation of different converters is also addressed, clarifying the design trade-offs of ULV circuits operating from a few milli-volts. In the end, the audience is expected to understand the constraints and the opportunities of working with extremely low voltages in the energy harvesting field.


Yitian(Claire) Zhang

Fangyuan(Tiffany) Tian